If only web maintenance could be this easy...
"Eureka! Science News just launched – it is a site dedicated to provide the very latest science news, but with a special twist – it is entirely automated! There is no human editor behind it - it finds relationships between news stories from all major science sites and regroups, categorizes, ranks, tags, finds related press releases and publishes them directly on the site. The result is an efficient overview of everything happening in science, right when it happens..."
The following details on how they built the site here: cool stuff!
Experiences with Drupal, the opensource portal or content management system (CMS), its installation, troubleshooting issues, maintenance, modules, themes, and other personal experiences.
Amazon products on Content Management Systems and PHP-MySQL
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Google Analytics in Drupal
Been cracking my head in installing the Google Analytics script in my drupal sites. Have this drupal version 7 site, unfortunately the Google Analytics module available as of this writing is for versions 5 and up only. A dilemma for dynamic sites... Tried posting the script in the following as advised in www.drupal.org forum threads: template pages (page.tpl.php), index and incluldes, etc.
However, I think the best method that work for a test site is perhaps creating a block and publishing the google analytics script in there. To best have accurate analysis reports, publish analytics block accordingly, e.g. excluding the /node/edit* pages or /admin* pages. This way only anonymous visits are logged and recorded. On the other hand, reverse the publishing to determine administrative behaviors. Neat! Worked like a charm!
Generated reports didn't come until after 24 hours... or a disclaimer from google that due to technical problems it may not generate some reports at all, somethin' like that... the adage, patience is a virtue... indeed!
However, I think the best method that work for a test site is perhaps creating a block and publishing the google analytics script in there. To best have accurate analysis reports, publish analytics block accordingly, e.g. excluding the /node/edit* pages or /admin* pages. This way only anonymous visits are logged and recorded. On the other hand, reverse the publishing to determine administrative behaviors. Neat! Worked like a charm!
Generated reports didn't come until after 24 hours... or a disclaimer from google that due to technical problems it may not generate some reports at all, somethin' like that... the adage, patience is a virtue... indeed!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Need to install Apache, MySQL, and PHP (Linux, Mac OC, Solaris or Windows)?
I was reminded of a friend who asked me the other day about installing a CMS package, as well as installation of Apache to his server... Thus, this article... He was asking for feedback on manually installing each application needed: Apache web server app, mysql and php... Manually installing each package separately may be the best, effective way. However, personally, I have had no problem in installing the three in a bundled package like most LAMP packages offer... Besides, I tried the manual installs and found it to be a tedious process... Personally tested XAMPP, a very easy to install Apache Distribution for Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X. The package also includes the Apache web server, MySQL, PHP, Perl, a FTP server and phpMyAdmin.
Download XAMPP and other add-ons at these links (for Linux, Mac OC, Solaris or Windows):
Download XAMPP and other add-ons at these links (for Linux, Mac OC, Solaris or Windows):
- Apache Friends.Org: XAMPP Official Developers' Site
- Sourceforge.Net
Simply download, extract, then enjoy! And by the way, it's free!
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