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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The search (and the wait) for a contact directory or business directory module... (in Drupal 4.7.x)

Posted from my other blog "The search (and the wait) for a contact directory or business directory module..." - Jan 15, '08 3:43 AM

Again, following have been based in Drupal 4.7.x

Sad to say people... to those looking for a contact directory module for drupal, there are but developments of a directory listing module for this cms. As of this writing, there are two directory modules listed for the purpose of managing, viewing and listing of one's contacts and contact directory. These are as follows:

1. contact directory module for drupal 4.7.x

Download drupal contact directory module

This module allows users to manage their own contact list in drupal. Some constraints can be applied like max number of contacts per user, private or public directories and administration permissions.

- Drupal 4.5.x
- PHP 4.3.0 or greater

However... after downloading , installing, and enabling the said directory, then applying the permissions, going to Contact directory admin page results to the error below:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tablesort_pager() in /home/portal/html/main/modules/contact_dir/contact_dir.module on line 568

Populating the database with the contact directory tables ('contact_category' and 'contact_directory') needed still produces the same error. Otherwise, without the sql below error can be seen in the admin pages:
  • user warning: Table 'pooch.contact_category' doesn't exist query: SELECT cid, name FROM contact_category ORDER BY name in /home/portal/html/main/includes/ on line 121.
  • warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/portal/html/main/modules/contact_dir/contact_dir.module on line 401
Clearly, we need to wait up for more developments for a more stable module...
else...follow this thread on contact directory module forum and support threads in drupal.... and work on it, guys hehe...

2. business directory module for drupal 4.7.x and 5.x (threads to business directory in

This module is clearly under-development as of this writing... Looking forward for it, though! :D

If there are any modules suited for a contact management or business directory or listings for drupal please drop your comments... thanks!

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