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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

View Drupal page (or node) as pdf or download page as pdf module in drupal

Pdfview in Drupal is a module that generates simple PDF version of pages from Drupal nodes/pages. The nodes can contain images. It appears as a breadcrumb beside other items like email this page, printer-friendly version, etc., below each page, story, or node.

The 4.7 version supports UTF8 and relies on TCPDF. Older versions require FPDF from

1. Download pdfview module from drupal modules (, check corresponding version appropriate.

2. Extract (install) in site/modules directory... enable in administer > modules... apply necessary roles and permissions

3. Download another required third party extension, TCPDF (choose corresponding version for php of your webhost, either 4 or 5, currently)... extract this to site/modules/pdfview/ directory... rename to 'tcpdf'.

4. Double check with documentations for errors... useful thread here ... using this thread post add the ff. to tcpdf/config/tcpdf_config.php:

5. That's it.. test it in your browser, enjoy!

Note: works fine for IE, however current Firefox version doesn't seem to support adobe features/add-ons... Please test with other browsers like Safari, Opera, etc. accordingly, thanks!

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