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Monday, April 21, 2008

Forgot your admin password in Drupal, Joomla, or any other php run cms with mysql database (with management in phpmyadmin)?

Forgot your password in Joomla, Drupal, or any other php run cms with mysql database (with management in phpmyadmin)?

In the event you forget your administrator password or passwords in in Joomla, Drupal, mediawiki, coppermine, etc. (or any opensource php-driven cms with mysql database manageable in phpmyadmin for that matter), a workaround is fortunately available. For newbies, forgetting one's administrator user account's password the only solution will have to be re-installing the entire cms from scratch thus re-creating an administrator account in the process. A solution is as follows:

- Go to site/phpmyadmin (login, of course assuming you have the necessary rights to the database/s)- Browse for the database, then the table (in the case of Joomla, Drupal, etc. this is commoonly the table 'users') intended to be edited

- click edit user, then under the 'Function' column (dropdown list) choose MD5, edit the 'Value' or your password (you will initially see the encrypted version of your original password), then type in the desired, new password of your choice

- Lastly, don't ever forget your password again, silly! :D

Thanks to pete avila and michael perido for the tip! cool guys from the pacific rim, philippines :p...

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