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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New or recent content not updated (and not searcheable) after publishing (drupal reindexing)

Perhaps the most basic questions asked by newbies might be on why after editing content, and after publishing, edited and recent contents are not updated. Or, why pages or stories are not searcheable after having been created or edited.

Recent versions of Drupal may not encounter these anymore, however just in case, this is simply a matter of reindexing your site. The ff. may be checked:

- within drupal's administer page: administer > search > reindex your site, or check desired / appropriate settings

- check out and download poormanscron module, a croning (reindexing) module for drupal with userfriendly settings page (administer > modules > poorman's cron)

- lastly, the fastest and most basic drupal re-indexing in the frontend (layman's: using the web browser directly): append to your site's url this... /cron.php (this will start the script in cron.php reloading the database content on the frontend)... e.g www.sitename/cron.php

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